Upper Valley Businesses:
Open & Safe
We all recognize that businesses need to open—both to provide important services to the community but also to support local employment and economic stability. Upper Valley Strong has worked with a few local businesses to feature how they are working to keep everyone in the Upper Valley safe while they are open for business.

Pictured: Customers use handwashing station at the COVER Store in White River Junction, VT.
Hand Hygiene Stations
It is important to wash your hands well and often, especially after visiting public spaces, or after blowing your nose, sneezing or coughing. If you can’t wash your hands with soap and water, then you can use hand sanitizer. There are many Upper Valley businesses that are supporting good hand hygiene practices for both their employees and their customers. Thank you for helping to keep our communities open and safe!
Face Masks
According to the CDC, cloth face coverings are most likely to reduce the spread of COVID-19 when they are widely used by the public. We are grateful to the businesses in the Upper Valley who remind us of the importance of face masks with posted signage, modeling of mask-wearing by employees, and some who even go the extra mile to hand out masks to customers who need them.

Pictured: Employee Sonya O’Neil welcomes customers at Dan & Whit’s general store in Norwich, VT. Photo by Henry Allison.

Pictured: Rick Lemay, Area Manager of Mascoma Bank, takes a selfie with socially distanced employees in Hanover, NH.
Temperature Screening
Monitoring your health is another way to protect yourself and others. This includes watching for fever and taking your temperature if symptoms develop. According to the CDC, this is good practice for anyone who is running errands, going into the workplace, or into any setting where it may be difficult to maintain a distance of 6 feet. It is important for employees and customers alike to stay home when they are unwell. We appreciate the Upper Valley businesses that are looking out for the health of their employees and helping to keep our communities open and safe.
Physical Distancing
Avoiding close contact with others is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Limiting the total number of people, using floor markings, spacing out displays, installing plexiglass shields and managing lines of customers will help to maintain safe physical distance and keep us all safe.

Pictured: Socially distanced pedicure stations at Nefertiti Nails in Hanover, NH.

Pictured: Outdoor dining at Wicked Awesome BBQ in White River Junction, VT.
Moving Business Outdoors
Outdoor activities are considered less risky by health officials since the virus disperses more quickly in the open air and people are not breathing recirculated air.