Childcare &
Family Resources

Get help now:
211 in your state can help connect you with up-to-date resources in the area you need assistance.Childcare Assistance in VT and NH
The Early Care and Education Association (EVEAUV) has a tool available to help connect parents to childcare providers. Use their online childcare locator to find childcare in the Upper Valley.
The Special Needs Support Center (SNSC) offers weekly virtual and in-person hybrid programs for children on the Autism Spectrum. Parent to Parent Peer Support Groups provide parents and care providers with children who have special needs a welcoming, safe and open space for parents to share struggles and triumphs, form relationships, and gain resources. Parent Educational Support and Advocacy supports parents in all aspects of the special education and Section 504 process to promote understanding of the relevant state and federal rules, regulations while supporting parents in clarifying their ideas and concerns regarding their child’s education. Questions email or call 603-448-6311.
Visit the free New Hampshire Child Care Search to search for providers, view their quality rating and licensing information, and select the best child care provider that meets your needs and budget.
For more help in finding child care that meets your family needs, you can also contact Child Care Aware of NH for free assistance. Click here for their contact information.
Vermont’s Department for Children and Families provides a list of local resource centers that help families find childcare providers and/or apply for childcare financial assistance in their area.
Baby Supplies
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Women’s Health Resource Center
The WHRC is a community service of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC). It offers support groups, classes, and workshops in pregnancy and parenting, first aid and safety, and women’s health, as well as a variety of services supporting women and new parents, such as: breast pump program, diaper bank, menstrual product bank, Willing Hands food shelf, lending library, and assistance accessing resources for formula.
Good Beginnings offers FREE services to any family in the Upper Valley with a new baby. Their Education/Support Program provides reliable resources about infant health and safety, as well as infant items such as formula, diapers, clothing and gas cards for doctor’s appointments.
Baby Steps provides assistance to families in need of everyday items not typically covered by most federally-funded programs. Families may need items due to changes in their housing situation, family growth from season to season, or job requirements. Support is provided at no cost to eligible families.
Child Abuse & Domestic Violence Resources
New Hampshire:
- DCYF Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline: 800-894-5533 (24/7).
Website: OR - WISE (local domestic violence prevention agency): 866-348-9473
Hotline: 603-448-5525.
Website: - Statewide domestic violence hotline: 800-277-5570
- DCF Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline: 1-800-649-5285 (24/7).
Website: - Safeline (local domestic violence prevention agency): 1-800-639-7233 (24/7).
Orange County and northern Windsor towns of Sharon, Royalton, Bethel, Stockbridge and Rochester.
Website: - VT Network
Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-228-7395
Sexual Violence: 800-489-7273
Parent Resources
The Family Place is a private, non-profit organization based out of Norwich, Vermont offering comprehensive programs to families in the Upper Valley. Programs include home visits, early intervention for infants and toddlers with developmental delays, nursing services, parenting classes and groups, treatment for families dealing with the trauma of sexual abuse, assistance with child care costs, intensive wrap-around supports for young families in poverty, community playgroups, and more.
Good Beginnings offers FREE services to any family in the Upper Valley with a new baby to provide support and education during this transition. Their 3 main programs are:
- In-Home Volunteer Visitor Program – A trained and background-checked volunteer visits 2-3 hrs/wk for 12 consecutive weeks to lend a helping hand.
- MOM, Mentors of Moms Program – A trained and background-checked mentor visits virtually for support, friendship and advice.
- Education/Support Program – Provides reliable resources about infant health and safety, as well as infant items such as formula, diapers, clothing and gas cards for doctor’s appointments.
Waypoint NH (formerly Child and Family Services)
Waypoint is a nonprofit agency based out of Manchester, NH, offering services and assistance to families related to adoption, prenatal support, parent education/family empowerment, services for children with developmental concerns or chronic health conditions, child care, mental health counseling, family preservation, supervised visitation, foster care, homeless youth continuum, and at-home healthcare for older Americans and adults with disabilities.
The mission of TLC Family Resource Center serves the lower Grafton and Upper Sullivan counties of New Hampshire. They provide supports for pregnant women and families with children of any age. Services include support groups, new mom groups, at-home activity guides, parent education workshops, youth programs, and more. Learn more on their website.
The Quarantine Family Tool Kit
This incredible resource has tips for addressing the topic of the pandemic, creating a predictable schedule for your homebound children, and resources for daily activities. This is a lasting resource for families who find themselves secluded – download the PDF here.
Find a Local Family Resource Center or Parent Child Center:
How Schools Are Preparing for Safe Learning Environments:
For Child Care Providers
The Early Care and Education Association welcomes all center directors and licensed or registered (depending on state) home care providers to contact Amy Brooks, Executive Director, via their website. Up-to-date state and federal information is available, with help from Let’s Grow Kids (VT) and Early Care and Learning NH and Child Care Aware, NH. Other sources are also being gathered. Support meetings are being held by phone weekly. Needs for supplies and other resources are being heard and addressed through a number of sources.