As a result of the numerous requests for assistance from the recent flood event, Upper Valley Strong hired two new disaster case managers. UV Strong wants to welcome these wonderful people and thank them for joining us in our disaster recovery efforts.
Matt Coates is new to the disaster case management field and excited to help area residents address their flooded homes and properties as quickly as possible. Matt, a recent college graduate and Peace Corps hopeful, will contact those who have requested assistance and help connect them to services.
Lisa Morse, Disaster Case Manger with Upper Valley Strong
Lisa Gold Morse is another new UV Strong Disaster Case Manager, but no stranger to disaster case management. Lisa, an occupational therapist in our region, conducted disaster case management in California after several earthquakes through the Department of Mental Health in Southern California. Lisa also worked with FEMA through the San Bernardino county in California.
You can reach Matt and Lisa at (603) 676-7958 or leave a message for Upper Valley Strong. Please contact UV Strong if you have any unresolved issues related to flood damage from the recent flood event.